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Membership of the Stafford Ving Tsun Kung-Fu Club entitles you to attend all classes and seminars, take Student and Technician gradings and enrol on Instructor courses. You will also get access to the 'members only' section of the club website.

The Stafford Ving Tsun Kung-Fu Club is registered with the British Martial Arts & Boxing Association (BMABA), a leading UK association that promotes standards of excellence within martial arts training. Sifu Mike Gorton is a registered Instructor with the 'BMABA'.

Your membership will include public liability insurance from the 'BMABA' for yourself whilst training, this aids in your student to student (or member to member) obligations. Please note this does not include personal accident insurance. If this is required in addition, please contact Sifu Mike to discuss.

As a registered student with the 'BMABA' any grades and achievements issued by the club will be recognised across the United Kingdom.

Upon joining, you will be issued with a Student Licence book where your grades will be recorded. All grades will also be awarded with certification from 'Stafford Ving Tsun' and the 'BMABA'.

The membership is an annual subscription fee which you can cancel at any time if you stop training.

The cost is £32.

Please do not pay for membership until you have attended your first lesson.
If you require any further information you may contact me at any time by phone or Email.


Sifu Mike Gorton - Stafford Ving Tsun Kung-Fu Club
Tel: 07720892332
Copyright ©2007-2022 Stafford Ving Tsun
Stafford Ving Tsun
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